Three year recall from today. This patient initially came in specifically for selective retreatment of the mesial root. Apparently her sister is a dentist in Europe who practices conservative dentistry and understands that removing excess tooth structure is never a good thing. I like the conservative shapes of the original RCT, but cleaning out the canals is a problem with small shapes, and ultimately this case did not work for her. Today, I believe it is possible to thoroughly clean these shapes with . I retreated this tooth using relatively conservative shapes, a V-Taper 30, just big enough to. Excellent healing is seen at the . No unnecessary harm done to the distal, specifically at the patients request

| By | | Comments Off on Three year recall from today. This patient initially came in specifically for selective retreatment of the mesial root. Apparently her sister is a dentist in Europe who practices conservative dentistry and understands that removing excess tooth structure is never a good thing. I like the conservative shapes of the original RCT, but cleaning out the canals is a problem with small shapes, and ultimately this case did not work for her. Today, I believe it is possible to thoroughly clean these shapes with . I retreated this tooth using relatively conservative shapes, a V-Taper 30, just big enough to. Excellent healing is seen at the . No unnecessary harm done to the distal, specifically at the patients request

Three year recall from today. This patient initially came in specifically for selective retreatment of the mesial root. Apparently her sister is a dentist in Europe who practices conservative dentistry and understands that removing excess tooth structure is never a good thing. I like the conservative shapes of the original RCT, but cleaning out the canals is a problem with small shapes, and ultimately this case did not work for her. Today, I believe it is possible to thoroughly clean these shapes with #gentlewave . I retreated this tooth using relatively conservative shapes, a V-Taper 30, just big enough to #endovac. Excellent healing is seen at the #endodonticrecall . No unnecessary harm done to the distal, specifically at the patients request. .
#endodontics #rootcanal #rootcanaltreatment #rootcanalretreatment #worthsaving #endoworks #savedanother

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