How We Are Different

Beach View

Dr. Boehne is a compassionate practitioner who’s treatment decisions are always guided by the needs of each individual patient. He is conservative in both diagnosis and treatment, meaning that he will only recommend root canal therapy when it is absolutely needed. Every effort is made to offer the least invasive treatment option, whether it is conservative endodontics, vital pulp therapy, or understanding when RCT is not the best option. When his services are needed, he makes no compromises, and dedicates the time and effort to provide optimal care.

Dr. Boehne is a restorative competent endodontist who is well aware of the endo-restorative continuum. Dr. Boehne works closely with the patient and referring dentist, making endodontic decisions with the restorative end point in mind. From a conservative access, to conservative root shapes, to core buildups and esthetic access closures, Dr. Boehne prides himself on performing endodontics that can be depended on as a solid foundation for comprehensive dentistry.

Dr. Boehne’s practice is founded on communication. He spends the time with each patient to educate them about their endodontic condition and the procedure to correct it. When needed, digital photos and radiographs allow for inter-operative communication with the referring dentist via the internet for real-time consultation and treatment planning. Each case is followed up with a two sided full color report detailing important findings as well as images to facilitate the comprehensive restorative treatment.


Our Location

Conveniently Located in Dana Point